Friday, June 15, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hello readers, this could be my last work in this year. Well, the work that I did is a story using storybird. Storybird is a site to do stories for children or to the whole family. You can choose any pictures of any artists and you can create your own story. If you want to read my story click here.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Results of the form

Hello readers, do you remenber the form about fast food restaurants? OK, I have your results. When I asked you why did you go to this restaurants, the majority of you answered that because they are cheap and because they give you presents. To the question how often do you go to this restaurants, most of you answered once a year and few of you every week. The next question answers are more general, all of your answers about what do you thing about this restaurants are different, some said that are satisfied, others said that are quite satisfied and others said the theay hate this restaurants. These are the averages of the last question of the form, they are  in a scale from 1 to 5:  the food 3,1, the sevice 2,9, the hygiene 3,2, the space 3,2 and the amount of food 3,3. If you want to know the complete results here you have them. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fast food form

Hello, readers. I'm finishing the course and the last work that I did is a form about fast food restaurants. I want to know what you think about this type of restaurants, if you go or not, if you like the food or not, etc. I did this work using google docs form . Here you have the form to complete it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Subtitling videos in DotSub

Hello readers, I am just in the last step of the course. Do you know what DotSub is for? It is a webpage to subtitle videos into any language. The first thing that I did was to create an account in Dotsub and later uploaded a video. I uploaded the video of Stir it up, a song by Bob Marley. After that I started subtitling into English, Spanish, Basque, etc. I have chosen this video because I like the song and it is very nice. I think that Bob Marley was a very good singer, songs are beautiful. Also the lyrics of the songs are good and significant. In my opinion DotSub is a very good webpage because you can subtitle your favourite songs into any language. Here you have my video, I hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Europe crossword

Hello, readers of my blog. Are you good at doing crosswords? The last work that I did was a crossword using the programme "Hot potatoes". To do the crossword I had choosen the topic countries of Europe.   Is a crossword with the names of the countries of Europe and the clues are pictures and sentences. Here you have the crossword if you want to do it. Who is the best?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sports mind map

Hello, we are already in the third evaluation. I do a mind map about sports using Mind42. Mind42 is a page to do mind maps free, you can include notes, pictures, links to differents web pages, you can play with differents colours, etc. The mind map that I do is about sports, I explain some team sports and individual sports. I include pictures, I make links to wikipedia and youtube and also I include notes. From my point of view, Mind 42 is very useful to do mind maps, you can do mind maps for example to study social sciences, to summarise the information if you have a lot and also you can share with your friends or export it as a PDF file.

Friday, March 30, 2012

How much do you know about SKA-P?

Hello, readers of my blog. I do a quiz about the famous group SKA-P using the program Hot potatoes. I do a questionnaire of twenty questions about the members, the CDs, etc. To do the work, the first thing that I did was to choose a topic. Later, I created a document in Google Docs with the twenty questions. Finally, I did a quiz using Hot Potatoes and later I configured the output.

If you want to know how much you know about SKA-P here you have the link to my questionnaire.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The pursuit of happyness

Hello, we start the third evaluation and with this we have to do a new work, a film review. I'm going to do my work about the film "The pursuit of happyness".

Now I'm going to give to you some information about the film. The director of the film is Gabriele Muccino, an italian director, it is a drama and it was realesed in 2006. The actors and actresses of the film are Will Smith, his son Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton, Dan Castellaneta, Brian Howe, James Karen and Kurt Fuller. It was nominated in 2006 to the Oscar of the best actor, Will Smith, and also it was nominated to two Golden Globes for the best actor and the original sound track. Will Smith is a very famous actor, he have recorded a lot of films, such as Independence Day,  Men in Black one, two and three, Hitch, Hancock, etc. I have choosen this film, bacause    is a film that shows you that you can achieve everything that you want if you try hard to obtain it. Also, I like it very much because   is a film based on real facts. In my opinion    is a very good film to all the people because    shows you that the live is hard. If I have to mark the film from one to ten I will give them a nine.

Here you have the trailer of the film:

Sunday, March 11, 2012


The last work that we did was a glog. We created a glog using glogster, is a webpage to do virtual posters. We can choose between human rigths, women's rights and children's rigths. Here you have my glog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The sport shop

We created our own business webpage using google sites. We can choose any type of business an hotel, a shop, etc. We choose our type of business and then we added the location, the information about us, ...

Here you have the link to visit The sport shop.